Arabic Masterclass

Three hour masterclass lessons delivered in-person

Enhance your learning experience

Get extra support in revising and consolidating what you know. Preview new materials and get ahead.

Enhance your learning experience

Get extra support in revising and consolidating what you know. Preview new materials and get ahead.

Have fun learning with others

Meet and interact with teachers and students in a fun, interactive learning environment.

Extra learning and support

Get extra support tailored to your learning needs to improve your Arabic listening and speaking.

Extra learning and support

Get extra support tailored to your learning needs to improve your Arabic listening and speaking.


Three hour in-person lessons from only £24 per lesson


pay PEr Lesson

Best Value


all 5 lessons


choose any 3 of 5 Lessons


Dates & Times

Check your inbox for dates and times for your study stream

Can we help?

“Our team is happy to learn more about your Arabic needs.

Call or email us.”

– Rupon Miah, Head of Operations